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AVISTIC’s Supplier Code of Conduct

AVISTIC’s Supplier Code of Conduct describes the principles that AVISTIC’s suppliers and, if used, subsuppliers must comply with. AVISTIC sets high standards for its own operations and its own employees with respect to environmental, social and commercial matters. High ethical and moral standards will always characterise the way AVISTIC does business. AVISTIC sets the same standards for its suppliers and their sub-suppliers. Our business partners must operate in a safe and environment-friendly manner and must meet all the requirements set out in prevailing contracts and regulations. 


At AVISTIC, we build sustainable societies for generations to come. That is our mission and the objective of everything we do. For us, this simply means that we are part of an undertaking that is greater than ourselves. We aim to be a driving force and will endeavour to prioritise long-term environmental choices ahead of short-term gain. We will lead the way towards a sustainable future.

A sustainable society requires us to set the bar high with regards to environmental, social and commercial matters. AVISTIC tolerates no form of corruption, bribery, human rights abuses, discrimination, distortion of competition or unnecessary impact on the environment.

At AVISTIC, we share a set of core values. We aim to be inclusive, curious and responsible. These values guide our actions and attitudes. These are the foundations on which our corporate culture is built and the precepts that steer the choices we make, both as a company and as individuals.

Every member of our workforce upholds AVISTIC’s values and the ethical guidelines that are summarised in our Employee Code of Conduct. This document guides all AVISTIC’s business dealings, and we require our suppliers to abide by the same ethical principles. This Supplier Code of Conduct (the “Code”) sets out the principles that AVISTIC requires its suppliers to accept and follow.

Who does the Supplier Code of Conduct apply to?

The Supplier Code of Conduct applies to all companies that supply products and/or services to AVISTIC. It includes suppliers and their sub-suppliers, as well as their employees and consultants (in the following referred to collectively as “suppliers”).

Suppliers are responsible for ensuring that everyone who are involved in the delivery, have read, understood and agreed to abide by the principles set out in the Code. Suppliers must have a process in place to ensure and verify compliance with the Code and are responsible for ensuring that their subsuppliers also abide by it.

The Supplier Code of Conduct is an essential part of the contract between AVISTIC and the supplier. Violation of the Code could result in the termination of the business relationship.

What AVISTIC requires of its suppliers

Laws and regulations

Suppliers must respect and comply with the laws and regulations in the countries in which they operate. All suppliers to AVISTIC are also asked to comply with the principles set out in the UN Global Compact, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the fundamental ILO Conventions on Labour Rights, as well as other relevant ILO Conventions such as nr. 94, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention.

These obligations include:

Labour rights and working conditions

Suppliers’ employees are entitled not to be subject to degrading treatment. Employees must be paid, enjoy good working conditions and not be subject to discrimination. All employees must be treated equally, irrespective of gender, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, disability or pregnancy etc. Employees must have safe and healthy working conditions. They must have a legitimate contract of employment, the right to a good standard of living and wellbeing, the right to rest and regular paid holidays. Procedures for regulated working hours and compensation, as well as procedures to provide expectant mothers with special protection and paid leave both before and after giving birth, must be in place and complied with.

Child labour

AVISTIC accepts no form of child labour. The provisions of the ILO conventions on child labour and children’s rights must be fully complied with. Suppliers must require that no form of child labour be used anywhere in their value chains. If child labour is discovered, the supplier must have routines and procedures in place to deal with it, with the aim of creating the best possible outcome for the child.

Freedom of association and the right to organise

Employees are entitled to organise and must have the opportunity to join a trade union. They must also have the right to strike. Where the law of the land restricts these rights, the supplier must take action to promote them based on human rights principles and the provisions set out in the various conventions.

Freedom from forced labour

All prohibitions against forced labour and slavery must be observed. If evidence of modern slavery or forced labour is discovered, suppliers must have routines and procedures in place to deal with their negative impact on human rights, with the aim of achieving the best possible conditions for those concerned.


AVISTIC rejects all forms of corruption. Neither suppliers nor their managers or owners may have been convicted of corruption, fraud or money laundering. Suppliers must not, for the purpose of obtaining commercial advantage, offer, promise or give AVISTIC’s employees monetary gifts or other considerations. If corruption or other violations of the Code are suspected, we encourage all parties to report the matter to us. Through our whistleblowing channel, AVISTIC Whistle, concerns about wrongdoing may be reported anonymously.

Distortion of competition and confidentiality

Suppliers must always act in accordance with prevailing competition laws and regulations. Suppliers must not share information or enter into agreements with competitors, customers or suppliers in a manner which contravenes competition laws and regulations. Information accruing to suppliers in connection with their collaboration with AVISTIC must be treated as confidential and must, under no circumstances, be shared with any third party. Suppliers with access to AVISTIC’s systems must sign a non-disclosure agreement.

Payment of taxes

Suppliers must meet all their obligations with regards to registration and the payment of taxes (direct, indirect and national insurance contributions), both in their own country of incorporation and that of the client. AVISTIC requires that this must be documented if requested.

Quality, Health, Safety and Environment

Suppliers must have identified risk factors relating to quality, health, safety and environment (QHSE) issues. Suppliers must have systems and routines in place covering these areas. This will be followed up through AVISTIC’s supplier assessment process and is crucial in determining whether the supplier may be offered a contract. Among other things, suppliers must be able to show that their production facilities and working conditions are designed to minimise the risk to employees of occupational accidents, injuries and stresses, and to avoid harmful environmental impacts.


As far as possible, suppliers must prevent and constantly endeavour to limit any harmful environmental consequences deriving from their activities. Suppliers shall strive to perform all their activities in an environmentally sustainable manner and comply with or exceed prevailing environmental standards. This includes reducing emissions to air, soil and water. The supplier’s services, products and processes must be optimised to consume energy, natural resources and raw materials as efficiently as possible and to minimise the volume of waste and scrap materials. Suppliers must avoid materials and methods that pose a risk to the environment and the climate where other available and viable alternatives exist.


AVISTIC reserves the right to visit suppliers to verify their compliance with the Supplier Code of Conduct. Should any lack of compliance with the points set out above be identified, sanctions will be based on the agreement between the parties. If it does not follow from the contractual basis, the provisions of the Purchase Act apply as far as they are appropriate. In the event of serious non- compliance, the contract may be terminated.

Any suspected violation of or imperfect compliance with the provisions of this Code of Conduct should report to to AVISTIC via AVISTIC Whistle

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